Our productsCLEW Offerings
CLEW Decedent Live-Scan Workstation gives Coroner’s the ability to quickly and accurately capture fingerprints and demographic information. Application workflows are designed for the unique requirements and demands of fingerprinting the deceased. This allows the creation of a Decedent Transaction for submission to local AFIS and the FBI for a fingerprint identification.
CLEW Applicant Live-Scan Workstation gives customers the ability to quickly and accurately capture fingerprints and demographic information. This allows the creation of an Applicant Transaction for submission to a local AFIS and the FBI for a criminal history background check. Both state and federal application submission types can be run on the same CLEW Workstation.
Click on links below to open the PDF:
CDI Applicant Live Scan ApplicationCDI Decedent Live Scan Application
CDI Live Scan and Document Archive System
CDI Fingerprint Print Server